Passo Manghen Cool Ride

Passo Manghen Cool Ride

POI's: Passo Manghen, Lago di Levico, Val di Cembra, Lago di Stramentizzo

Route: Residence Garni Hotel Vineus, S. Michele all'Adige, Val di Cembra, Molina di Fiemme, Passo Manghen, Torcegno, Lago di Levico, Baselga di Pinè, Sevignano, Val di Cembra, Molina di Fiemme, Montagna, Residence Garni Hotel Vineus

The highlight of this tour is the Manghen Pass. This is a very difficult pass road which is only suitable for experienced drivers. The road winds its way up the mountain and the bends become narrower and shorter and resemble a car slalom towards the summit. Cool driving experience for experienced drivers. For lovers of broad mountain roads, this is probably not the place to be...

GPX-Track , position: -km, -m GPX

50 100 150 200 5 10 15 distance (km) elevation (m)
no elevation data
name: no data
distance: no data
minimum elevation: no data
maximum elevation: no data
elevation gain (~): no datadfsdfsad
elevation loss (~): no data
duration: no data
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CornelianRitterhofTramin/SüdtirolBicycle friendly hotelMotorbike HotelsResidence Garni Hotel VineusSüdtiroler WeinstraßeSüdtirol

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