Burnt Egg

Burnt Egg


The tour to the Burnt Corner is a real challenge. But once you get there, a wonderful view awaits you. From the Tramin fairground, cycle towards Söll. At Rechtenthal Castle, at the end of Tramin, turn left and from now on always uphill. When you reach the Zoggler forest road, cycle left towards Graun. On the Jochweg in Graun turn right uphill to the Grauner Joch. Then turn right again to the Burnt Corner.

GPX-Track , position: -km, -m GPX

50 100 150 200 5 10 15 distance (km) elevation (m)
no elevation data
name: no data
distance: no data
minimum elevation: no data
maximum elevation: no data
elevation gain (~): no datadfsdfsad
elevation loss (~): no data
duration: no data
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CornelianRitterhofTramin/SüdtirolBicycle friendly hotelMotorbike HotelsResidence Garni Hotel VineusSüdtiroler WeinstraßeSüdtirol

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