Passo Mendola Malga di Romeno

Passo Mendola Malga di Romeno


This tour is an easy high-altitude tour with views of the Ortler group and Brenta. You can reach the Mendel Pass with the Mendel cable car. Before you can make the ascent to the Romeno Alm, you must cycle along forest tracks to Amblar in Val di Non. The gradient of the 900-metre ascent is mostly pleasant and not very busy. The easy descent from the Romeno Alm to the Mendel Pass leads along wide forest tracks.

GPX-Track , position: -km, -m GPX

50 100 150 200 5 10 15 distance (km) elevation (m)
no elevation data
name: no data
distance: no data
minimum elevation: no data
maximum elevation: no data
elevation gain (~): no datadfsdfsad
elevation loss (~): no data
duration: no data
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