Mezzocorona – Andalo – Fai della Paganella

A generous mountain road and a medium ascent

racing bike


We drive south through the vineyards of the South Tyrolean Wine Road. This is a pleasant section of the wine road, as there is little traffic, and we can make progress very quickly. At Mezzolombardo, where the province of Trento has already been reached, we take on the ascent to Andalo, which is quite challenging. This is a tour that could represent the first decent climb after the basic training on the flat... Let's roll!

Route: Residence Garni Hotel Vineus, Mezzocorona, Spormaggiore, Cavedago, Andalo, Fai della Paganella, Mezzolombardo, Grumo, Egna, Termeno, Residence Garni Hotel Vineus

GPX-Track , position: -km, -m GPX

50 100 150 200 5 10 15 distance (km) elevation (m)
no elevation data
name: no data
distance: no data
minimum elevation: no data
maximum elevation: no data
elevation gain (~): no datadfsdfsad
elevation loss (~): no data
duration: no data
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CornelianRitterhofTramin/SüdtirolBicycle friendly hotelMotorbike HotelsResidence Garni Hotel VineusSüdtiroler WeinstraßeSüdtirol

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