Along the Via Claudia Augusta to Lake Garda

Along the river to the most popular Alpine Lake

racing bike


The Lake Garda Classic a must for every racing cyclist. Mostly a flat route through vineyards and orchards along the well-known via Claudia Augusta, which was already used by the Romans in ancient times. We will absorb the Mediterranean flair on this route with the crowning finish at Lake Garda. It is also possible to return home by train. The regional trains take passengers with bicycles.... From Rovereto, of course, ideal...

Route: Residence Garni Hotel Vineus, Roverè della Luna, Mezzolombardo, Fai della Paganella, Andalo, Molveno, Campo Lomaso, Lago di Tenno, Riva del Garda, Mori, Aldeno, Trento, Lavis, San Michele all’Adige, Salorno, Egna, Termeno, Residence Garni Hotel Vineus

GPX-Track , position: -km, -m GPX

50 100 150 200 5 10 15 distance (km) elevation (m)
no elevation data
name: no data
distance: no data
minimum elevation: no data
maximum elevation: no data
elevation gain (~): no datadfsdfsad
elevation loss (~): no data
duration: no data
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CornelianRitterhofTramin/SüdtirolBicycle friendly hotelMotorbike HotelsResidence Garni Hotel VineusSüdtiroler WeinstraßeSüdtirol

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